10x Your Hair Career & LIFE

Aug 16, 2024


Hey there, fabulous friend!

Do you ever feel like you're spinning your wheels, trying to squeeze a little more out of each day, only to find yourself stuck in the same routine? If your career feels more “meh” than magnificent, it might be time to change your perspective and aim for something bigger, bolder, and infinitely more exciting.

Welcome to the 10X Mindset

I've been diving into the book 10X is Easier Than 2X, and it’s been like a triple-shot espresso for my soul! The idea? Going for 10X growth isn't just possible—it's easier (and way more fun) than settling for 2X. This concept isn’t about working harder; it’s about thinking bigger and dreaming in Technicolor.

What’s Keeping You in the 2X Zone?

Before we leap into 10X possibilities, let's identify what's anchoring us in the 2X mindset:

  1. Routine Rut: It’s so easy to get comfortable with what you know, even when it’s not fulfilling. But comfort doesn’t always equal contentment. Are you sticking to the same old techniques, styles, and conversations because it feels safe?

  2. Identity Crisis: It’s tempting to label yourself as “just a stylist,” but remember, you’re an artist, therapist, and magician all rolled into one fabulous package! Don’t let a narrow self-view limit your potential. This can also apply to just limiting yourself to a certain kind of stylist. 

  3. Fear of Failure: Fear of the unknown is a powerful thing, often making us hesitate to take the leap. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, let’s start dreaming about what could go right.

How to Leap into the 10X Mindset

Dream Big, Cut Bigger: Start by visualizing the life you truly want—not just what you think you can achieve. Whether it’s more time for yoga, travel, or binge-watching your favorite shows without guilt, everything is possible with the right mindset.

Get Creative: Think outside the bob! How can you innovate in your services, your brand, or your daily routine? Maybe it's introducing a new technique, launching a unique product line, or even hosting workshops to share your knowledge.

Detach from Current You: You are not defined by your past haircuts or client numbers. You’re a chameleon with endless possibilities. Embrace the idea that change is your superpower, and reinvention is part of your journey.

Why 10X is the New Black

Going 10X isn’t about burning the candle at both ends; it’s about lighting up your path with creativity and vision. It’s about seeing your life as a canvas and realizing you have all the colors to paint a masterpiece.

Your 10X Journey Starts Here

Imagine waking up excited about your day, knowing you’re on a path to creating something truly extraordinary. What’s your 10X dream? Is it opening your dream salon, launching a product line, or just finding more hours in the day to dance like nobody’s watching? Whatever it is, I’m here to help you make it happen.

Practical Steps to 10X Your Hair Career

  1. Set Audacious Goals: What does 10X look like for you? Write it down. Whether it’s tripling your clientele or cutting your work hours in half, clarity is key.

  2. Network Like a Pro: Surround yourself with people who inspire and challenge you. Join industry events, online communities, or mastermind groups that push you to think bigger.

  3. Invest in Yourself: Never stop learning. Whether it’s a new styling technique or a business course, every bit of knowledge adds to your 10X toolkit.

  4. Embrace Change: Don’t fear it—use it. Experiment with new styles, technologies, and business models. The more you adapt, the more you grow.

  5. Balance is Key: Remember, a 10X life doesn’t mean 10X stress. Prioritize self-care and personal time to recharge and maintain your creative energy.

To 10X and Beyond!

Your career is more than just 'doing hair' —it's about sculpting the life of your dreams. With the right mindset and tools, you can turn your hairstyling career into a 10X masterpiece. So, let’s dream big and make magic happen!

And if you'd like some serious guidance on this, I'd love to invite you to check out my personalized coaching. I can offer you advice, build systems and hold your hand every step of the way to make sure you're feeling confident and reaching your 10x goals.

If you'd like to learn more about how I can help you, fill out the free coaching assessment form. I will follow up with a free call where I'll give you a personalized success plan. 

>>>click here to fill out the form<<<

It only takes a few minutes, and could be exactly what you need!



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